President and Founder
Jessica Rush, along with her husband Tony, founded Spark Theater Company in 2014. Jessica said,"
I had the idea to start Spark in the summer of 2014 because of my sons and their amazing theater friends. I did not grow up a typical 'theater kid'. And truthfully, did not even become a 'theater adult' until I watched my two boys fall in love with it. They were looking for a year-round theater program that could eventually give them the college-prep experience. I knew I didn't want them to 'fizzle out' so I told my husband 'Hey, I have this crazy idea...'
My favorite part about Spark is seeing over and over the change, growth, and confidence in so many young people all while having fun. It is inspiring and I am inspired by them every day."
Spark will enter its tenth season in 2023-2024.
2023/24 Board of Directors
Jason Penn-Vice President
Gayla patterson-Treasurer
Mary Roedl- Secretary
Lori Janney
Matthew Simechak
carrie mcbride